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Policy analysis: examples

  • Advocacy on financing and delivering health care, UHC and access to medicines at international fora such as WHO, donors and developing countries. 

  • Producing policy papers, targeted briefs, publishing articles on variety of issues: hospitals, Hepatitis C, Ebola, UHC. 

  • Engaging through traditional and social media.

  • Making presentations and speaking at key international conferences and meetings.

  • Lead Oxfam’s work on access to medicines including: market and policy analysis, intellectual property, pricing, R&D, pharmaceutical sector, quality of medicines, and procurement and supply chain.

  • Co-chaired a task force to develop the Global Fund policy on “in-kind donation”to deal with conflicting views on the issue. The work included commissioning and managing research and formulating a policy resulting in the Global Fund board rejecting “in- kind donation”. The policy was later adopted by UNITAID.

  • Lead the policy development and advocacy of northern NGOs at the Global Fund on on Affordable Medicine Facility for Malaria.  The policy rejected a separate budget line for the project.

  • Lead a team in designing and implementing the Oxfam HIV and AIDS strategy.

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